
BODYCOMBAT is a high intensity class that mixes different types of fighting styles to create an exercise that develops your strength and gives you an great cardio workout. This group fitness class is inspired by Karate, boxing, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, and Muay Thai, making it a fun way to kick and punch your way to your fitness goal! BODYCOMBAT is meant to improve agility, speed, coordination, and work your legs, tone your arms, and is a great core workout.

What Should You Expect?

The BODYCOMBAT class is generally 55 minutes long and led by instructors helping you stay motivated to achieve you fitness goals. Designed to tone muscles, work your core, and burn an immense amount of calories, this class is a great way to get in shape fast. The class structure is built around the tracks used during the workout. Here is the breakdown:

  • Warm-up
  • A Few Alternations Between Combat Training and Power Training
  • Muay Thai Training
  • Final Power Training
  • Core Conditioning
  • Cool Down

The BODYCOMBAT class consists of kicks, punches, jabs, shuffles, and many other fighting moves that work and tone your muscles, giving you a full body workout with small and precise movements. This class is also designed for anybody who is willing to try it! Movements and exercises can be done at a lower intensity so people fresh in the fitness scene can enjoy the workout at their own pace and work toward their goals slowly.

What Do You Need to Bring?

This class involved only your body, meaning you don’t need any special equipment to succeed in this class. We recommend bringing a water bottle, comfortable clothing that allows you to move easily, and good athletic shoes. If you want to whisk away the sweat you will surely be sporting, you are always welcome to bring a towel.

Benefits of BODYCOMBAT:

This class is very beneficial for your energy, muscles, and fitness level. BODYCOMBAT works your entire body, toning your muscles, improving your coordination, agility, and speed. This class is for anyone, with moves modified for different fitness levels, don’t be afraid to join in the fun if you are not in your best fitness shape, these classes are meant to help you get there!

Contact US

Cancellations or membership changes must be made in person or via certified mail.

Why Choose Us?

What makes BodyPlex so unique? Honestly…it’s our people!! We are intentional in the selection of our greatest asset – our team! Our staff is genuine, passionate and devoted to delivering an unmatched member experience. You can interact with the owner on-site which allows us to respond more quickly to member needs.

*Please consult your physician or other healthcare provider before starting an exercise program. The claims on this site are not typical of the sedentary person. Bodyplex guarantees nothing and results may very.